Thursday, October 25, 2007

Resistance is Futile

There is no such thing as telling me how hard it will be to get something, because that alone will make me do it. But, it was more important to me to succeed for Zuni and First Contact was 'chilly' to say the least with the All Encompassing Body of the SV.
Of course, to proof that I had the dog connected to that tattoo was something that was merely one step, verification by the vet. Then, came the cold chill of silence.
The Germans require DNA REGISTRATION for all breeding stock and Zuni's parents, Qrick and Noscha were DNA registered in Germany.

So, I offer to sent blood, hair strands or the whole dog (just kidding) for proof. There came the first snag. Though Noscha (who placed 16th in the world by the way) was DNA registered, the SV had changed to a new Company for their DNA-registrations. The old one, where Noscha's DNA was, would not release anything other than there had been a disagreement with the SV and unless that was resolved, no DNA would ever be released done by them for the SV.
Stubbornly, I sent in Zuni's DNA (hair with follicles) and had them register his DNA and compare it to Qrick, his sire.
Then the search for Noscha started. It took a long time before I had tracked her down to MEXICO CITY, Mexico! Where she lived the good live with a nice lady who took care of her for Noscha's actual owner. Though the lady was nice, she was unwilling to help me with the DNA situation, even though I offered to pay, of course. She said, Noscha was DNA registered and the SV needs to own up to their responsibility with the former DNA company.
Yes, I get that too, but the SV obviously didn't and never has since.
In any case, The SV began to realize I seriously had my teeth into this and wasn't letting go, so I went through remaining hoops, get the purchase contract to them, wait again, then post in the SV magazine for 2 consecutive months, wait some more, to announce that I was trying to obtain his papers, and nearly after a year of all this I received the SV Pink Papers on Zuni.
-to be continued-