The why's and how's of how an innocent love for a certain dog breed can completely mushroom into an obsession that can (probably) never be let go of... Nor would I want to, of course, says the addict
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Search for the Perfect Mate...
About two months to obtaining Zuni's papers, I started looking for the 'Perfect Mate' to compliment him. Not an easy task when all is new. The only direction I had was, yes you guessed it, the internet...
I figured, I'd found my Zuni on the net, why not a mate for him too.
No idea how many websites I must have reviewed and I landed on a German Site where a dog was just a striking resemblance to Zuni. I wrote the lady who ran that website about the dog, who informed me the dog (Hummel) was on hold for a lady on the East Coast. So, I, the pitbull, said "ok, let me know if she doesn't come through with the money and I'll buy her". I didn't hear for a week, wrote her again, and pretty much said, the dog is still on your site, what's going on?
Hummel was shipped a couple of weeks later to yours truly.
In my wildest dreams can't I even begin to explain why or how I got Zuni, and then Hummel, who then had the Z litter which created a 2,3 (two generations on the Sire's side and three generations on the Dam's side) on
Noscha Wienerau and her sister Nova Wienerau, who had placed SG4 in the young dogs' class world champion ships. But this is why I began to clue in on the importance of Line Breeding. Not to be confused with In Breeding.
Needless to say, I was completely stunned that I had seen the likeness in Hummel of that bloodline that I've now become so attached to.
The more I looked for Wienerau dogs, the less there were. And though the Wienerau Kennel is still in existence today it is in a very small format from when Mr. Walter Martin was alive. Please refer to the Wienerau website for more stories on their history.